
Fall In Love With Me – Earth, Wind & Fire

Title: Fall In Love With Me Artist: Earth, Wind & Fire Billboard: #...

Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) – Journey

Title: Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) Artist: Journey Billboard: # 8 (1983-03-19) YouTube: 2010-02-26 (VEVO)...

Red Skies – The Fixx

Title: Red Skies Artist: The Fixx Billboard (Rock Top Tracks): # 13 (1983-03-12)...

Billie Jean – Michael Jackson

Title: Billie Jean Artist: Michael Jackson Billboard: # 1 (1983-03-05) YouTube: 2009-10-02 (VEVO) Audiovisual...

Stray Cat Strut – Stray Cats

Title: Stray Cat Strut Artist: Stray Cats Billboard: # 3 (1983-02-26) YouTube: 2014-10-05 (VEVO)...

I Knew You When – Linda Ronstadt

Title: I Knew You When Artist: Linda Ronstadt Billboard: # 37 (1983-02-12) YouTube:...

Goody Two Shoes – Adam Ant

Title: Goody Two Shoes Artist: Adam Ant Billboard: # 12 (1983-02-12) YouTube: 2010-12-20 (VEVO)...

Allentown – Billy Joel

Title: Allentown Artist: Billy Joel Billboard: # 17 (1983-02-05) YouTube: 2009-10-03 (VEVO) Audiovisual...

Africa – Toto

Title: Africa Artist: Toto Billboard: # 1 (1983-02-05) YouTube: 2013-05-22 (VEVO) Audiovisual material (C)...